Thursday, July 15, 2010

Capital Punishment

The article in this weeks Leader is what is on my mind today! The owner of the Rt 68 bar being charged w/ 1400 counts of having a sexual or inappropriate relationship w/ a girl from the time she was 8 til after she turned 13! Absolutely appalling!!! Not that this is the first time I've heard of anything like this but REALLY maybe if there was harsher punishments in this country sicko dirt bags like this would think twice! Instead they go to jail....where there is all the comforts of home and no real responsibilities...WTF! If I were the one in charge, any kind of murder would merit automatic death! I mean really, what happened to firing squad, hangings, and even the electric chair!! Heaven forbid we deny these monsters constitutional rights, WHY do they deserve it!? I can only hope that the prisoners "take care" of them when they get to jail! Make sure it isn't quick either! Oooo ooo ooo I have a great idea if they are to live in comfort (since killing them would just be immoral) then maybe they should live w/out their offending member and have a pee bag attached to them for the rest of their lives or if it was a female, she would most likely be using her hands to do the damage, soooo cut them off! How can anyone look at a child as a sexual being, there is nothing womanly or manly about them!!! Or even worse what can possibly be pleasurable about killing a child? The same goes for those that shoot and stab as a method of choice...they can live w/out their arms in jail too! Ok maybe just one arm, u know they would have to eat...psh!
I just came across this and almost screamed out loud at my computer screen: "Amnesty International believes that the death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. It violates the right to life...It is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. There can never be any justification for torture or for cruel treatment" So to them it is better that they live out the remainder of their lives in the comfort of a modern day jail cell on our tax dollar than to rid society of its evil. Honest to God, what is wrong w/ they would feel that way if a heinous crime was committed to them or their family especially a child! Or how bout these animals that are trying to feed our nation to the Taliban or some other terrorist group, yes lets let them live serve a few years in jail and get deported to the country in which they are deemed a hero!! Wow what a good bunch of thinkers! I was reading a con of capital punishment and it said the cost of carrying out the act was 2 to 5 time s more because of the appeal processes and that it isn't uncommon for the inmate to be on death row for 10-15 yrs, here's a thought carry out the sentence the next day at dawn like it used to be and voila cost is cut down! Now I realize there have been incidences where and innocent person has been jailed and put to death but w/ today's technologies this issue is surely becoming extinct. This would also solve the problem w/ clogged court systems and over populated jails!
Ok well I could go on and on forever about this but really what good will it do! It was just something on my mind after reading that horrible article in the paper. So in case u missed it I am FOR capital punishment!

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